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Bonjour aux promeneurs, Hello walkers picture of a sculpture by Fernand Châtelain courtesy of Marcello 13 (Flickr) |
Today, November 11, 2019, this blog exists for eleven years and it now includes descriptions of more than 460 art environments in Europe. As in previous years I will relate here some data (as of November 9 and 10) about numbers/origin of visitors and about most viewed art environments.
Number of visitors
On November 10, 2019 the all time number of visitors was 819.622. On November 10, 2018 it was 755.533, so there is an increase of 64.089 visitors, or on the average 175 visitors a day. Over the period 2017-2018 the average was 160 visitors a day.
All time page views by country
As in previous years here is the all time rank of top ten countries as regards page-views (as on November 10):
1. United States 276448 (rank 2018 idem)
2. Netherlands 81293 (rank 2018 idem)
3. France 72837 (rank 2018 idem)
3. France 72837 (rank 2018 idem)
4. Germany 57481 (rank 2018 idem)
5. United Kingdom 52538 (rank 2018 idem)
6. Russia 28851 (rank 2018 idem)
7. Italy 26410 (rank 2018 was 8)
8. Ukraine 22812 (rank 2017 was 7)
9. Spain 15072 (rank 2017 idem)
10. Poland 6237 (rank 2017 idem)
The top ten list includes the same countries as in 2018, almost in the same order, except Italy and Ukraine which changed place. Italy is on the rise: 9 in 2017, 8 in 2018, 7 in 2019
Once more the interest from Ukraine and Poland in Eastern Europe and Russia is lasting.
Most viewed sites all time
These are the sites with the most all time views (as on November 9):
1. Bill and Elisabeth Charge, UK Shell garden, 6297
2. Robert Garcet, Belgium Tour Eben-Ezer, 5453
3. Jose Maria Garrido, Spain Shell decorated interior, 4902
4. Joseph Ferdinand Cheval, France Palais Idéal, 4748
5. Robert Tatin, France Singular architecture, 4532
6. Bodan Litnianski, France, Decorated garden, 4254
7. Abbé Fouré, France Sculpted rocks, 3614
8. Chomo, France Préludian art, 3983
9. Francisco Grajera, Spain Decorated house, 3683
10. Joseph Pujiula i Vila, Spain Labyrinth, 3576
The first place for Bill and Elisabeth Charge has to do with a one time event. End October 2016 the husband of a granddaughter of Bill and Elisabeth posted a message on the Watford Memories and History page on Facebook, asking -with a link to the relevant post in this blog- if anyone remembered the sculpture garden, that was demolished by the housing company soon after Elisabeth had died.
Thousands of people did remember the site and this resulted in over 5000 hits of the post in a few days time, which meanwhile has grown to over 6200. a number that no other site has been able to surpass until now.
For the rest, the top ten list continues to contain the same names as those of previous years, compared to 2018 also in the same order. So the list of top ten sites viewed includes the same set of names as in previous years, Robert Garcet from Belgium. Facteur Cheval, Robert Tatin, Bodan Litnianski,Abbé Fouré and Chomo from France and José Maria Garrido, Francisco Grajera and Joseph Pujiula from Spain.
On 11 and 12 the same artists as in 2018 appear: Erich Bödeker (Sculpture garden, 3505) and Karl Junker (Decorated interior, 3545), both from Germany. now followed on 13 by Willem van Genk (Arnhem bus station, 3151) from the Netherlands, by Stephen Wright (House of dreams museum, 3329) from the UK, on 14. and by José García Martin (Sculpture garden, 3252 from Spain) on 15.
Ernesto Fernando Nannetti from Italy (Graffiti di NOF4. 3231) who wasn't in the top 20 so far, is now on 16, followed on 17 by Jean-Daniel Allanche (Decorated interior, 3153) from France. on 18 by Julius Klingebiel (Decorated hospital room, 3190) from Germany, on 19 by Raymond Isidore (Maison Picassiette, 3101) and on 20 by Robert Vasseur (Mosaic decorated house and garden, 3002), both from France.
Eastern Europe and Russia
In the autumn of 2014 I began paying special attention on tracing art environments in Eastern Europe and in Russia west of the Urals. which has resulted in sites being documented, in particular from Russia, that so far were virtually unknown in the field of art environments in Western Europe.
Here are the sites with all time views above 1500 (as on November 9):
Eastern Europe
Bogdan Ziętek, Interior with sculptures, Poland, 2385
František Rint, Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic, 2541
Václav Levý, Sculpted rocks, Czech Republic, 2526
Stanislav Sartsevich, Sculpture garden, Ukraine, 2130
Nicolas Golovan, Decorated house, Ukraine, 2078
Felicja Curylowa, Decorated house, Poland, 1711
Bogusława Iwanowskiego, Sculpture garden, Poland, 1675
Alexander Emelyanov, Architectures, sculptures, 2384
Alexander Ladogina, Singular architecture, 2028
Sergey Kirillov, Decorated house, 1740
Pjotr Zhurilenko, Sculpture garden, 1649
Yevgeny Malakhin (=Bukashkin), Frescoe decorated walls, 1569
And then, especially for my Finnish friends, here are the five most viewed Finnish sites:
Elis Sinistö, Villa Mehu, 2498
Ensio Tuppurainen, Paradise, 2296
Veijo Rönkkönen, Patapuisto sculpture garden, 2068
Keijo Ikonen, Sculpture garden, 1441
Olavi Laiho, Sculpture garden, 1213
Of course, above listings are just meant to give an idea of the focus of the visitors who visit this blog.
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