Franz Gsellmann, Weltmaschine / Avgust Ipavec, Decorated wooden panels in the garden of a hospital /
Vladimir and Elena Aleshko , House with bottle caps / Sergey Bondarenko, Museum Replica of Krevo Castle) / Tamara Litvin , Decorated house, garden / Nicolai Tarasyuk , Miniature constructions, scenes / Anatoly Zhdan , Sculpture garden (zoo)
Vladimir and Elena Aleshko , House with bottle caps / Sergey Bondarenko, Museum Replica of Krevo Castle) / Tamara Litvin , Decorated house, garden / Nicolai Tarasyuk , Miniature constructions, scenes / Anatoly Zhdan , Sculpture garden (zoo)
Ruth Lander Ericsson, Decorated wall / Rodney Sjöberg, Betelhöden's Mini Church /
Julos Beaucarne, Circle of pagodes / Robert Garcet , Eben-Ezer Tower / Robrecht Leenders, Decorated house and garden (Lucky Land) / Jeannine Lejeune , Decorated house / Pierre-Alain Michel, Miniature village / Jean-Pierre Schetz , Sculpture garden / Christian Vancau , Totems Garden / Jacques Vandewattyne , Sculpture garden / Theo Wiesen, Totemlike wooden structures
Hradec Králové region, Jaroslav Horák, Art environments
Moravian-Silesian region Karel Forman , Decorated interior / Frantisek Jaích , Eldorado sculpture garden
South-Moravian region Maximilian Appeltauer , Decorated cellar / Anežka Kašpárková, Decorated chapel / Stanislav Rolinek , Decorated cave
Unknown region Anonymous, Sculptures in a Czech forest
Ústí Region Karel Redek, Sculptures around a café-restaurant
Jaan Alliksoo, Hiiumaa Eiffel tower / Adelbert Juks, Decorated house /
Aleksander Tarvis, Wooden structures
Jaan Alliksoo, Hiiumaa Eiffel tower / Adelbert Juks, Decorated house /
Aleksander Tarvis, Wooden structures
Northern Finland 2
Northern Ostrobothnia Eero Leinonen, Sculpture garden / Matti Lepistö, Sculpture garden
Eastern Finland 8
North Karelia Anonymous, Iron sculptures in Rontto park / Keijo Ikonen, Sculpture garden /
Northern Savonia Niilo Rytkönen, Sculpture garden
Western and Central Finland 12
Central Finland Anne Kinnunen, Sculpture garden / Ilmari Salminen, Decorated interior
Ostrobothnia Edvin Hevonkoski, Sculpture trail
Southern Ostrobothnia Tapio Autio, Atelier Autio / Alpo Koivumäki, Alpo's savanne /
Olavi Laiho, Sculpture garden / Juha Vanhanen, Villa of grace
Olavi Laiho, Sculpture garden / Juha Vanhanen, Villa of grace
Pirkanmaa Raimo Flink, Sculpture garden / Martti Hömppi, Sculpture garden /
Matti Järvenpää, Iron park / Tuomo Rantanen, Sculpture garden /
Matti Järvenpää, Iron park / Tuomo Rantanen, Sculpture garden /
South-Western Finland 9
South-West Finland Arja Alhoranta, Elk garden / Irja Alinen, The garden of visions /
Southern Finland 21
Sylvi Hauhia, Sculptures in and around a Watermill and gallery / Ensio Tuppurainen, Sculpture garden
Île de France 15
Essonne 3
Auguste Corsin, Sculpture garden / Robert le Lagadec, Sculpture garden / Frédéric Seron, Sculpture garden
Paris 3
Seine-et-Marne 3
Chomo (=Roger Chomeaux),Village of preludian art / Gérard Claeys, Frescoe decorated exterior / Monsieur G., Sanctuary of lasers
Seine-Saint Denis 1
Val-de-Marne 2
Val d'Oise 2
Yvelines 1
Centre-Val de Loire 8
Dear 1
Eure-et-Loire 2
Hurfane (= Renée Bodin), Mosaic decorated garden / Raymond Isidore (= Picassiette), Mosaic decorated house
Indre-et-Loire 1
Loiret 3
Loiret-et-Cher 1
North 32
Hauts-de-France 42
Hauts-de-France 42
Aisne 2
North 8
Oise 1
Pas de Calais 17
Somme 4
North-east 13
Grand Est 13
Ardennes 2
Aube 1
Bas-Rhin 1
Haute-Marne 2
Haut-Rhin 4
Meurthe-et-Moselle 1
Meuse 1
Vosges 1
East 11
Burgundy-Franche Comté 11
Doubs 1
Haute-Saône 2
Nièvre 1
Saône-et-Loire 1
Yonne 6
South-east 33
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 23
Allier 1
Ardèche 2
Cantal 2
Drome 6
Haute-Savoy 2
Isère 1
Loire 3
Lyon Métropole 3
Puy-de-Dome 1
Rhône 1
Savoie 1
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur 10
Alpes-Maritimes 1
Bouches-du-Rhône 4
Hautes-Alpes 1
Haute-Savoie 1
Var 2
Vaucluse 1
South 71
Occitanie 43
Occitanie 43
Ariège 3
Aude 4
Aveyron 3
Gard 2
Gers 1
Haute-Garonne 5
Hérault 13
Lot 1
Lozère 2
Pyrénées-Orientales 1
Tarn 1
Tarn et Garonne 3
Nouvelle-Aquitaine 28
Charente 3
Charente-Maritime 4
Corrèze 1
Creuse 4
Deux-Sèvres 1
Dordogne 4
Gironde 6
Haute-Vienne 1
Lot-et-Garonne 2
Pyrénées-Atlantique 1
Vienne 1
West 59
Pays de la Loire 25
Isle de Noirmoutier 1
Loire-Atlantique 3
Maine-et-Loire 1
Mayenne 3
Octave and Roland Berthelot, Miniature village / Guy Souhard, Creations on the hedge, in the front garden and indoors / Robert Tatin, Museum
Sarthe 7
Vendée 10
Gilles Rantière, Miniature village / Pierre Sourisseau, Sculpture garden, museum and sculpture trail
Bretagne 22
Côtes d'Armor 8
Finistére 4
Ille-et-Vilaine 6
Morbihan 3
Normandie 13
Calvados 3
Eure 5
Manche 1
Orne 2
Seine Maritime 1
Corse 3
Lionel and Sylvaine Periault, Miniature constructions / Jean-Claude Marchi, Miniature village / René Mattei, Miniature Corsica
Lionel and Sylvaine Periault, Miniature constructions / Jean-Claude Marchi, Miniature village / René Mattei, Miniature Corsica
Baden-Würtenberg State Collective of non-professional artists, Sculpture trail /
Bavaria State, Timofey Prokhorov, East-West Church of Peace
Saxony State Manfred Leistner, Christmas Castle
Saxony-Anhalt State Gustaf Nagel, Paradise Garden
Zoltán Alekszi, Replicas of Hungarian castles / Peter Császár, High rising wooden structures /
Zoltán Alekszi, Replicas of Hungarian castles / Peter Császár, High rising wooden structures /
David and Mary Foley, Shell cottage / Kevin Ffrench, Shell decorated house /
Catherine de la Poer, Shell decorated grotto
David and Mary Foley, Shell cottage / Kevin Ffrench, Shell decorated house /
Catherine de la Poer, Shell decorated grotto
North-West 14
North-West 14
Liguria Mario Andreoli, Illuminated nativity scene / Umberto Bonini, Museum of the galaxy /
Marcello Cammi, Sculpture garden / Angelo Stagnaro, Sculpture garden
Lombardia Guerino Antonelli, Villino Antonelliano / Serafio Arienti, Garden of wonders / Marcello Cammi, Sculpture garden / Angelo Stagnaro, Sculpture garden
Piemonte Oberto Airaudi, Temples of humankind / Francesco Berta, Miniature scenes
North-East 21
Emilia-Romagna Tiziana Busi, Christmas decorations in the Capella di Santa Chiara /
North-East 21
Emilia-Romagna Tiziana Busi, Christmas decorations in the Capella di Santa Chiara /
Friuli-Venezia Giulia Pietro Aurelio Antonutti, Mosaic decorated facade
Bonaria Manca, House of symbols / Pietro Moschini, Casa Museo /
Toscana Maurizio Becherini, Decorated cave / Carmelo Librizzi, Sculpture garden /
Toscana Maurizio Becherini, Decorated cave / Carmelo Librizzi, Sculpture garden /
Deva Manfredo (=Manfred Flucke), Stone art garden / Mario del Sarto, Sculptures along road
Umbria Girolamo Ricci, Decorated garden / Emilio Billegi, Sculpture garden
South 5
Umbria Girolamo Ricci, Decorated garden / Emilio Billegi, Sculpture garden
South 5
Apulia Luigi Mazzilli, Villa Fantasy
Basilicata Biagio Lapolla, Garden of scarecrows
Molise Pasquale Paolucci, Stone museum
Puglia Ezechiele Leandro, Sculpture garden
Islands 8
Sardegna Fellicu Fadda, Sculpture garden / Bartolomeo Mereu, Sculpture garden /
Fiorenzo Pilia, Fantastic garden / Camela Ricco and Barbara Mula, Parco Lallo /
Sicilia Filippo Bentivegna, Sculpture garden / Giovanni Cammarata, House of the Knight /
Olgerts Mikelsons, Decorations around house and church
Basilicata Biagio Lapolla, Garden of scarecrows
Molise Pasquale Paolucci, Stone museum
Puglia Ezechiele Leandro, Sculpture garden
Islands 8
Sardegna Fellicu Fadda, Sculpture garden / Bartolomeo Mereu, Sculpture garden /
Fiorenzo Pilia, Fantastic garden / Camela Ricco and Barbara Mula, Parco Lallo /
Sicilia Filippo Bentivegna, Sculpture garden / Giovanni Cammarata, House of the Knight /
Israele (also Isravele), Mosaic decorated building /
Salvatore Trombatore and Caterina Greco, Shell decorated house
Salvatore Trombatore and Caterina Greco, Shell decorated house
Colin Soudain, Jersey shell garden
AJuris Audzijonis, Garden with sculptures and singular architecture / Daina Kučere, Doll garden /Olgerts Mikelsons, Decorations around house and church
Darius Dulinskas, Museum of metal fantsasy / Vilius Orvidas, Sculpture garden / Pranas Sederevičius, Sculpture garden / Edmundas Vaiciulis, Decorated house / Albertas Žąsinas, Homestead of Nonsense
Darius Dulinskas, Museum of metal fantsasy / Vilius Orvidas, Sculpture garden / Pranas Sederevičius, Sculpture garden / Edmundas Vaiciulis, Decorated house / Albertas Žąsinas, Homestead of Nonsense
City of Chisinau Gregory Bonza, Decorated exterior and interior
Friesland province Eise Eisinga , Planetarium / Gregorius Halman, Castle / Ruurd Wiersma, Decorated interior
Friesland province Eise Eisinga , Planetarium / Gregorius Halman, Castle / Ruurd Wiersma, Decorated interior
Groningen province Albert Harkema ( Church
Gelderland province Herman Kip, Museum at the farm / Henk Lamers, Garden with figurines /
Gelderland province Herman Kip, Museum at the farm / Henk Lamers, Garden with figurines /
Henk Olthof, Planetariums, singular architecture
Limburg province Jan Janssen, Miniature constructions / Jezuïetengrot (= decorated cave / Nico Schoonbroodt, Castle of dreams
Noord Brabant province Fer Geerts, Santorini in miniature / Gerard van Lankveld, Monera carkos vlado / Huub Maas, Decorated garden. singular architecture
Limburg province Jan Janssen, Miniature constructions / Jezuïetengrot (= decorated cave / Nico Schoonbroodt, Castle of dreams
Noord Brabant province Fer Geerts, Santorini in miniature / Gerard van Lankveld, Monera carkos vlado / Huub Maas, Decorated garden. singular architecture
Noord Holland province Klaas van den Brink, Sculpture garden / Chris Goedhart, Italian garden / Ger Leegwater, Kremlin in the Netherlands / Nico Molenaar, Cigarbands House /
Viktor IV, Floating structures / Wim de Vries, Fairytale garden
Utrecht province Willem Ham, Castle / Bertus Jonkers, Miniature constructions, scenes
Zuid Holland province Willem Berkhout, Mosaic sculptures / Willem van Genk, Arnhem bus station /
Viktor IV, Floating structures / Wim de Vries, Fairytale garden
Utrecht province Willem Ham, Castle / Bertus Jonkers, Miniature constructions, scenes
Zuid Holland province Willem Berkhout, Mosaic sculptures / Willem van Genk, Arnhem bus station /
Rogeland county Eldfinn Austigard, Wooden sculptures in a forest
Troms og Finnmark county Collective of inhabitant's, Mini village
Central-Northern Poland, Wieslaw Węgrowski, Garden and shed with decorations
Lesser Poland (Malopolskie) Felicja Curylowa, Decorated house / Józef Lizoń, Decorated house and sculpture garden
Lódz (Lódzkie) Danuta Szudzińska, Frescoe decorated interior and exterior
Lower Silesia (Dolnośląskie) Václav Tomášek, Ossuary / Isidore Kriesten and successors, Fairytale garden / Franciszek and Lucyna Wesolowski, Mosaic decorated house / Bogdan Ziętek, Interior with sculptures
Warmia-Masuria (Warminsko-Mazurskie) Jan Korytkowski, Sculpture garden / Henryk Sawko, Stone Park / Adam Szubski, Sculpture Gallery
Bragança region José Santana, Garden of Monuments
Isle of Madeira José Meigalão, Museum
Norte Eduardo Reis, Reislândia
Maramures County Ioan Stan Patras, Decorated gravestones
Ottenia County Vasile Piscureanu, Buildings from glass bottles
Transylvanie County Gheorghe and Cornelia Dobrin, Decorated house in disrepair /
Sites in the European part of the Russian federation :
Belgorod region Alexander Lovyagin, Indoor arrangement of sculptures /
Chuvashi Republic Vasili Borodkov, Singular architecture
Crimea Pavel Bezrukov, Sculpture garden / Viktor Golovnya, House decorated with leftover stuff
Istra district Anatoly Lobanov, Decorated house, garden
Ivanov region Military collective Teykovo, Sculptures / Vladimir Volkov, Iron sculptures
Kaliningrad region Mikhail Semenov, Museum of Russian superstitions
Kaluga region Alexei Ivanovich Rudov, Sculpture garden / Vladimir Ovchinnikov, Murals /
Sergey Zharov, Iron sculptures /
Leningrad region Yuri Antonov, Museum the Temple of Homer / Oleg Arkhipov, House decorated with a large sphere / Dmitri Skurikhin, Posters on exterior wall
Istra district Anatoly Lobanov, Decorated house, garden
Ivanov region Military collective Teykovo, Sculptures / Vladimir Volkov, Iron sculptures
Kaliningrad region Mikhail Semenov, Museum of Russian superstitions
Kaluga region Alexei Ivanovich Rudov, Sculpture garden / Vladimir Ovchinnikov, Murals /
Sergey Zharov, Iron sculptures /
Kirov region Viktor Kazakovtsev, Viatka fashionista /
Anatoly Serebrennikov, Museum-Estate "Smile" / Maria Shishkin and family, Decorated garden
Kostroma region Efim Chestnyakov, Home Museum
Anatoly Serebrennikov, Museum-Estate "Smile" / Maria Shishkin and family, Decorated garden
Kostroma region Efim Chestnyakov, Home Museum
Krasnodarsky region Aleksander Alekseeva, The Old Park
Kursk region Vasily Artamonov, Sculptures in townLeningrad region Yuri Antonov, Museum the Temple of Homer / Oleg Arkhipov, House decorated with a large sphere / Dmitri Skurikhin, Posters on exterior wall
Mari El Republic Galina Ivanova, Decorated house
Moscow region Alexander Fateev, Metal sculptures around shop / Nikolai Panferova, House decorated with dolls / Sergey Fedorovich Pankratov, Singular architecture /
Margarita Travkina, House with dolls / Egor Zolotarev, Mosaic decorated house/
Nizhny Novgorod region Aleksey Ivanovich Shuvalov, Garden decorated with toys /
Benjamin Somov, House with guns, memorial complex
Novgorod region Konstantin Ekshibarova, Museum of copied paintings / Alexander Kalinin, Singular architecture / Spartak Kudukhov, Frescoe decorated house
Moscow region Alexander Fateev, Metal sculptures around shop / Nikolai Panferova, House decorated with dolls / Sergey Fedorovich Pankratov, Singular architecture /
Margarita Travkina, House with dolls / Egor Zolotarev, Mosaic decorated house/
Nizhny Novgorod region Aleksey Ivanovich Shuvalov, Garden decorated with toys /
Benjamin Somov, House with guns, memorial complex
Novgorod region Konstantin Ekshibarova, Museum of copied paintings / Alexander Kalinin, Singular architecture / Spartak Kudukhov, Frescoe decorated house
North Ossetia Republic Soslanbek Edziev, Decorated house, gravetombs
Orenburg region Pyotr Leonidovich, Sculpture garden
Perm region Nikon Kiryanov, Decorated church and chapel / Alexander Ladogina, Singular architecture / Egor Utrobin , Sculpture garden /
Orenburg region Pyotr Leonidovich, Sculpture garden
Perm region Nikon Kiryanov, Decorated church and chapel / Alexander Ladogina, Singular architecture / Egor Utrobin , Sculpture garden /
St Petersburg region Nelson Iskandaryan. Nelson's court
Samara region Alexander Emelyanov , Naive architecture, sculpture
Saratov region Anonymous, Lion House
Stavropol region Pjotr Grigorievich Muzalev, Interior with woodwork
Sverdlovsk region Mikhail Brylunov, Sculpture garden / Vitaly Cherepanov, Sculpture garden /
Samara region Alexander Emelyanov , Naive architecture, sculpture
Saratov region Anonymous, Lion House
Stavropol region Pjotr Grigorievich Muzalev, Interior with woodwork
Sverdlovsk region Mikhail Brylunov, Sculpture garden / Vitaly Cherepanov, Sculpture garden /
Tver region Anatoly Varlamov, Wooden sculptures (got lost)
Udmurt Republic Alexander Dvoretsky, Objects in memory of the USSR
Udmurt Republic Alexander Dvoretsky, Objects in memory of the USSR
Voronezh region Galina Moiseeva, Decorated house and garden
Vologda region Atom Grigoryan, Replicas of famous towers /
Yaroslavl region Nikolai Krylov, House with a three-headed snake on the roof /
Sites in the Asian part of the Russian Federation are included in this weblog in order to give a balanced and coherent picture of the entire field of Russian art environments:
Amur region:
Village of Sychevka Tatyana Mikheeva, Decorated house
Chukotka autonomous area:
Cape Schmidt Yuri Dunaev, Iron monuments
Far Eastern Federal District:
Khabarovsk Ivan Pisarenko, Replicas of Kremlin classics
Krasnoyarsk region:
Irbeysky District Evgeny Smolik, House decorated with woodcarving
City of Krasnoyarsk Alexei Zhuchenko, Zoo (sculptures of animals)
Taseyevo Vladimir Chernyak, Mini Kremlin
Omsk region:
Politodel Alexander Nemo, Self-built castle
Primorsky region:
Sakhalin region:
Jozsef Balogh, Decorated exterior / Čičmany, decorated village / Avgust Ipavec Chapel and decorated garden / Martin Sabaka, Replicas of famous buildings / Erika Strohnerová, Miniature village /
Jozsef Balogh, Decorated exterior / Čičmany, decorated village / Avgust Ipavec Chapel and decorated garden / Martin Sabaka, Replicas of famous buildings / Erika Strohnerová, Miniature village /
Andalucia Antonio Aguilera Rueda, House of stone / José María Garrido, Museo del Mar /
Francisco Palma Jimenez, Shell decorated house / Esteban Martín Martín, Castillo de Colomares /
Francisco Palma Jimenez, Shell decorated house / Esteban Martín Martín, Castillo de Colomares /
Aragón Julio Basanta, House with sculptures / José Foncillas Ribera, Decorated house, garden /
Félix Sanpériz Gistau, Castle-like structures
Asturias José Ramòn Gallego Rebollar, Shell decorated house
Baleares islands Nicolas Cabrisas Gili, Nacra cave (Menorca)
Canarias islands José Garcia Martín, Sculpture garden (Lanzarote) / José Miguel Padrón Morales, Sculpture garden (El Hierro) / Carlos CalderónYruegas, Villa Tabaiba (Fuerteventura)
Castilla y León Carlos Salazar Gutiérrez (also "Salaguti"), House museum / Serafin Villarán, Castle /
Félix Sanpériz Gistau, Castle-like structures
Asturias José Ramòn Gallego Rebollar, Shell decorated house
Baleares islands Nicolas Cabrisas Gili, Nacra cave (Menorca)
Canarias islands José Garcia Martín, Sculpture garden (Lanzarote) / José Miguel Padrón Morales, Sculpture garden (El Hierro) / Carlos CalderónYruegas, Villa Tabaiba (Fuerteventura)
Castilla y León Carlos Salazar Gutiérrez (also "Salaguti"), House museum / Serafin Villarán, Castle /
José Dominguez Carbajo, El Recreo
Castilla la Mancha Máximo Rojo, Sculpture garden / Longino Ayuso, Stone safari
Catalunya Josep Almar, Rat Penat Museum of Mascanada /
Castilla la Mancha Máximo Rojo, Sculpture garden / Longino Ayuso, Stone safari
Catalunya Josep Almar, Rat Penat Museum of Mascanada /
Antoni Maciá Cassany, Espai singular Maciá / José Prades Ceuma, Decorated built structure / Josep Pujiula i Vila, Labyrinth environment / Joan Sala, Decorated house /
Extremadura Francisco González Grajera, Capricho de Cotrina /
Miguel Torres Ortega, Hmostal-restaurante "Las Conchas"
Galícia Juan Garcia Naveira, Pasatiempo / Manfred Gnädinger, Museo del Aleman
Granada Kitty Harri, Sculpture garden
Madrid region Federico Diaz Falcon, Monument for the eyes / Justo Gallego Martinez, Cathedral
Miguel Torres Ortega, Hmostal-restaurante "Las Conchas"
Galícia Juan Garcia Naveira, Pasatiempo / Manfred Gnädinger, Museo del Aleman
Granada Kitty Harri, Sculpture garden
Madrid region Federico Diaz Falcon, Monument for the eyes / Justo Gallego Martinez, Cathedral
Murca region Acacia Mateo, Decorated house
Navarre Armando Baigorri, House of the rising sun / María Àngeles Fernández , Wall decorations
Pais Vasco Luis Rico Pinilla, Palaces, cathedrals
Rioja Cecilio Medrano Mendizábal, Decorated house
Tarragona Josep Jordá i Olivé, Sculpture garden
Valencia Peter Buch, Peter's garden / Manuel Fulleda Alcazar, Shell decorated house /
Manuel Palomares Félix, Shell decorated site / Mariano Ros Martinez, Rock sculptures
Pais Vasco Luis Rico Pinilla, Palaces, cathedrals
Rioja Cecilio Medrano Mendizábal, Decorated house
Tarragona Josep Jordá i Olivé, Sculpture garden
Valencia Peter Buch, Peter's garden / Manuel Fulleda Alcazar, Shell decorated house /
Manuel Palomares Félix, Shell decorated site / Mariano Ros Martinez, Rock sculptures
Linder Eriksson, Sculpture garden / Helmer Jarl, Sculpture garden /Ruth Lander Ericsson, Decorated wall / Rodney Sjöberg, Betelhöden's Mini Church /
Dnipropetrovsk region Park of the living and the dead (sculptures)
Ivanovo-Frankivisk region Oleksiy Bondarenko, Sculptures around house
Odessa region Vladimir Buyvol, Sculptures around house
Ternopil region Anonymous, Decorated house / Nadia Kutsa, Decorated houses
Volyn region Pavel Andrikevich, Metal dragon on roof / Nicolas Golovan. Singular architecture / Stanislav Sartsevich, Sculpture garden /
Alex Batchelor, Shell decorated house / Frank Bruce, Sculpture trail /
William R. Bisset, Shell decorated house / Shelleen, A shell-decorated property /
Alex Batchelor, Shell decorated house / Frank Bruce, Sculpture trail /
William R. Bisset, Shell decorated house / Shelleen, A shell-decorated property /
Jim Donnelly, Outside of house decorated with protest signs
North West Kevin Duffy, Rectory garden center / John Fairnington , Sculpture garden (site was moved to Scotland around 2022) / Ron Gittins, Roman Villa, decorated interior / J.T. Halstead, Decorated exterior / Dennis Nelems, Decorated interior / John Usher, Miniature village
North East Philip Muspratt, Beer can decorated house,
East Midlands Thomas Tresham, Triangular lodge
West Midlands Anne and Brian Bailey, Shell decorated garden grotto / Sidney Dowdeswell,
North West Kevin Duffy, Rectory garden center / John Fairnington , Sculpture garden (site was moved to Scotland around 2022) / Ron Gittins, Roman Villa, decorated interior / J.T. Halstead, Decorated exterior / Dennis Nelems, Decorated interior / John Usher, Miniature village
North East Philip Muspratt, Beer can decorated house,
East Midlands Thomas Tresham, Triangular lodge
West Midlands Anne and Brian Bailey, Shell decorated garden grotto / Sidney Dowdeswell,
East of England Charles Bird, Decorated garden / Tony Hillier, Sculpture garden /
Diana Keys, Decorated interior / David Parr, Decorated interior /
Diana Keys, Decorated interior / David Parr, Decorated interior /
London region Khadambi Asalache, Decorated interior / Kate Bradbury, Indoor sculptures /
Bill and Elisabeth Charge, Sculpture garden / Gerald Dalton, Gerry's Pompeii (sculptures, replicas) / Sue Kreitzman, Decorated interior / Ben Wilson, Wooden structures /
Steve Wright, House of dreams museum
South West George E. Howard, Shell decorated garden / Charles Palmer, Teddy Bear Garden /
Joyce and Paul Plimmer, Shell decorated house / Sam Puckey, Shell decorated house /
Bill and Elisabeth Charge, Sculpture garden / Gerald Dalton, Gerry's Pompeii (sculptures, replicas) / Sue Kreitzman, Decorated interior / Ben Wilson, Wooden structures /
Steve Wright, House of dreams museum
South West George E. Howard, Shell decorated garden / Charles Palmer, Teddy Bear Garden /
Joyce and Paul Plimmer, Shell decorated house / Sam Puckey, Shell decorated house /
Colin Stokes, Colin's Barn / Ian Willis, Decorated garden
South East Frederick Attrill, Shell decorated house / Gary Bevans, Replica Sistine Chapel /
Robert Burns, Decorated interior / Jack Bilbo, Sculpture garden /
Rory McCormack, Beach sculpture garden / Margate Shell Grotto /
John and Jo Mew, Braylsham Castle / Edwin Sutton, Shell decorated house
South East Frederick Attrill, Shell decorated house / Gary Bevans, Replica Sistine Chapel /
Robert Burns, Decorated interior / Jack Bilbo, Sculpture garden /
Rory McCormack, Beach sculpture garden / Margate Shell Grotto /
John and Jo Mew, Braylsham Castle / Edwin Sutton, Shell decorated house
Scilly Isles, Isle of Tresco Lucy Dorrieu-Smith, Shell house in Tresco Abbey Garden
Wales Mark Bourne, Little Italy
Sean McEown, Fairytale houses / Joe McKinley, Moscow Joe's art environment
Grand total 694
Wales Mark Bourne, Little Italy
Sean McEown, Fairytale houses / Joe McKinley, Moscow Joe's art environment
Grand total 694
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