February 21, 2011

Honorine Burlin, Jardin sculpté / Sculpture garden

view from the street

Located behind a stone wall that separates it from the street, the sculpture garden created by Honorine Burlin (1932-2010) has a charming collection of people and animals ¹.

 Life and work

In 1975 Honorine Burlin, daughter of a carpenter, settled with her husband Julien, a farmer, in Cintegabelle, south of Toulouse, France.   

Before 1975 she already made wooden sculptures, but in Cintegabelle she couldn't find the right wooden material, so she tried making sculptures from concrete. 

This pleased her and the next thirty years or so, until 2005, she continued making sculptures from painted concrete, ultimately creating an art environment with dozens of personalities and animals as present in daily life in the countryside.

this picture (summer 2014) and the next ones 
from the weblog of Sophie Lepetit

Placed as in cohorts in the garden besides the house, some of the little people she created look as if marching along together on their way to some special event. 

Others appear in a group, as if waiting for something special to happen.

Actual situation 

When in 2005 her hands no longer could endure the cement, Honorine Burlin ended her creative activity. She died in 2010. About half of her work already has been divided over family, friends and interested parties. 

Cared for by Julien Burlin, the sculpture garden currently is still extant, but it is not open for public visits, so I refrain from giving the address. 

* Weblog of Sophie Lepetit of September 22 and September 23 2014, with a variety of pictures
* Article (October 11, 2014) by Louis Bigou on his weblog, also with a variety of pictures (An english version on the website SPACES)
* The private museum les Amoureux d'Angélique in Carla-Bayle has items made by Honorine Burlin (More about this private museum, with a variety of pictures, in the weblog of Sophie Lepetit, april 5, 2014).

¹ This revised version of the post which was first published in February 2011, includes information that became available thanks to Sophie Lepetit and Louis Bigou (see documentation).

first published February 2011, last revised June 2017

Honorine Burlin
Jardin sculpté
Cintegabelle, dept Haute-Garonne, region Occitanie, France
extant, but no public visits

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