July 05, 2012

Patrimoines irréguliers de France / France's irregular heritages

Formally founded in April 2012, the association Patrimoines irréguliers de France (France's irregular heritages)  for the first time presented itself publicly on July 14th, 2012 with lectures, a round table and a theatrical performance.

The event took place at the location of Jean Linard's Cathedral  and thus also marks the reopening of Linard's site during July and August.

A major development

The Patrimoines Irréguliers de France organisation has been formed in the context of recent activities to save Linard's art environment. Focusing upon the study, the documentation and the saving of art environments in France, its formation can be considered as a major development.


The talks on July 14 (yes indeed, quatorze juillet, France's national holiday) will be given by Déborah Couette (introduction of the P.I.F.), Roberta Trapani (on French and Italian sites), Jo Farb Hernandez (on Spanish sites and the SPACES archive) and Laurent Danchin (on saving art environments) 

Patricia Allio, Caroline Bourbonnais, Philippe Clément and Pascal Rome will participate in the round table and the theatrical performance is provided by the Compagnie OpUS

The organization has evolved over the years. 

The website now includes a blog, with reflections on outsider art and singular architecture. A (web) magazine is now also published.

The P.I.F. is also on Facebook

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